Fee Structure

Department of Management - Fee Structure

Master of Business Administration – Full Time Regular 2 years
Annual Tuition Fee for all MBA programmes ₹1,50,000/-

Miscellaneous Fee: ₹12,000/-(Each year), Examination fee as per University norms.

Caution Deposit (Refundable) – Rs.5,000/- payable once during admission and refundable at the end of the programme.

Bank Details
Bank Account Name :Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology
Bank Account No:027805003561
Bank IFSC Code :ICIC0000278
Branch :Chennai-Kilpauk
No:34,Balfour Road,Kilpauk,
Chennai - 600 010

Master of Business Administration – Working Professionals 2 years
Annual Tuition Fee for all MBA Working Professionals ₹1,50,000/-

Miscellaneous Fee: ₹6,550/- (First Year) & ₹1,750/- (Second Year Onwards). Examination fee as per University Norms

Caution Deposit (Refundable) – Rs.5,000/- payable once during admission and refundable at the end of the programme.

Bank Details
Bank Account Name :Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology
Bank Account No:027805003561
Bank IFSC Code :ICIC0000278
Branch :Chennai-Kilpauk
No:34,Balfour Road,Kilpauk,
Chennai - 600 010

Campus Residences

Department of Management - Hostel Fee

Hostel Accommodation and Mess charges 2025-26

Category Four Sharing including Laundry Triple Sharing including Laundry Double Sharing including Laundry Single room including Laundry
A/C. Non A/C. A/C. Non A/C. Standard Non A/C. (Attached Bath) A/C. (Only for Ladies) Standard Non A/C. A/C.
Hostel Fee ₹ 1,48,030 ₹ 1,00,530 ₹ 1,76,370 ₹ 1,13,030 ₹ 1,23,030 ₹ 2,33,030 ₹ 1,38,030 ₹ 4,03,030
Caution Deposit (Refundable) – Rs.10,000/- (I semester 5000 + II semester 5000) payable once during admission and refundable at the end of the programme.
Refund is not permitted if the student is expelled from the hostel.

Accommodation Bank Details
Bank Name HDFC Bank
Bank Account Name Amudh Hospitality
Bank Account No 50200031782342
Bank IFSC Code HDFC0002406
Branch Taramani Branch
Mess Bank Details
Bank Name HDFC Bank
Bank Account Name Amudh Hospitality
Bank Account No 50200031783052
Bank IFSC Code HDFC0002406
Branch Taramani Branch